buat agan2 yg lagi bingung karena hpnya ngeblank...
gara2 kebnyakn sms,aplikasi dll
ini ada jurus baru,,,
nmanya jurus 4 jari..
bisa ngerestart ulang dengan keadan hp mati...
gua udah nyoba di hp nokia E63 trnyata bisa,,,
ini caranya: pencet * + 3 + power + yes/call secara brsmaan...
semoga bermanfaat dan berhasil
Rabu, 29 Februari 2012
Renang telah dikenal sejah zaman pra-sejarah. Dari
gambar-gambar yang berasal dari zaman batu diketahui adanya gua-gua bagi
para perenang di dekat Wadi Sora sebelah barat daya Mesir. Di Jepang,
renang adalah kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh para samurai. Sejarah
mencatat, pertandingan renang pertama diselenggarakan oleh Kaisar Suigui
pada 36 sebelum Masehi.
Pertandingan renang yang memperebutkan gelar juara telah dimulai di Eropa sekitar tahun 1800 dan sebagian besar menggunakan gaya dada. Renang gaya bebas pertama kali dikenalkan oleh Arthur Trudgen. Gaya ini kemudian mulai dikombinasikan dengan gaya kaki yang menendang oleh Richard Cavill pada 1902. Di abad pertengahan, renang termasuk dalam tujuh kemahiran yang harus dimiliki oleh para ksatria termasuk berenang dengan membawa senjata.
Olahraga renang pertama kali dipertandingkan dalam Olimpiade modern 1896 di Athena, Yunani. Pada Olimpiade ini, hanya empat nomor yang dipertandingkan dari rencana semula enam nomor. Masing-masing adalah nomor 100 meter, 500 meter, 1.200 meter, nomor bebas, dan 100 meter bagi para pelaut. Olimpiade kedua diselenggarakan di Paris, Prancis pada 1900 dan mempertandingkan nomor 200 m, 1.000 m, 4.000 m, nomor bebas, 200 m gaya dada, dan 200 m nomor beregu.
Persatuan Renang Internasional (Federation Internationale De Natation De Amateur/FINA) dibentuk tahun 1908 semula menetapkan, gaya kupu-kupu adalah variasi gaya dada. Gaya ini baru menjadi gaya terpisah di tahun 1952. Wanita baru diperkenankan ikut pertandingan renang pada Olimpiade 1912 di Stockholm, Belanda. Itupun baru nomor bebas. Seiring dengan perkembangan olah raga renang renang semakin popular. Penggemar renang semakin bertambah. Bahkan, seringkali anak-anak diajarkan renang pada usia sangat dini.
Pertandingan renang yang memperebutkan gelar juara telah dimulai di Eropa sekitar tahun 1800 dan sebagian besar menggunakan gaya dada. Renang gaya bebas pertama kali dikenalkan oleh Arthur Trudgen. Gaya ini kemudian mulai dikombinasikan dengan gaya kaki yang menendang oleh Richard Cavill pada 1902. Di abad pertengahan, renang termasuk dalam tujuh kemahiran yang harus dimiliki oleh para ksatria termasuk berenang dengan membawa senjata.
Olahraga renang pertama kali dipertandingkan dalam Olimpiade modern 1896 di Athena, Yunani. Pada Olimpiade ini, hanya empat nomor yang dipertandingkan dari rencana semula enam nomor. Masing-masing adalah nomor 100 meter, 500 meter, 1.200 meter, nomor bebas, dan 100 meter bagi para pelaut. Olimpiade kedua diselenggarakan di Paris, Prancis pada 1900 dan mempertandingkan nomor 200 m, 1.000 m, 4.000 m, nomor bebas, 200 m gaya dada, dan 200 m nomor beregu.
Persatuan Renang Internasional (Federation Internationale De Natation De Amateur/FINA) dibentuk tahun 1908 semula menetapkan, gaya kupu-kupu adalah variasi gaya dada. Gaya ini baru menjadi gaya terpisah di tahun 1952. Wanita baru diperkenankan ikut pertandingan renang pada Olimpiade 1912 di Stockholm, Belanda. Itupun baru nomor bebas. Seiring dengan perkembangan olah raga renang renang semakin popular. Penggemar renang semakin bertambah. Bahkan, seringkali anak-anak diajarkan renang pada usia sangat dini.
rawon khas jombang
Rawon bisa dikatakan makanan favorit daerah Jawa Timur, semacam sup
daging dengan kuah khas yang berwarna cokelat kehitam-hitaman di dapat
dari buah kluwek. Daging bagi saya bukan makanan favorit saya lebih suka
sayur-sayuran segar, tapi rawon nguling dan rawon setan membuat saya sedikit jatuh cinta kepada masakan yang bahan utamanya daging tersebut.
Banyak versi atau cara memasak rawon semuanya menghasilkan sensasi yang berbeda. Kalau anda tertarik membuatnya silahkan lanjutkan membaca artikel ini.
Potong daging sapi menjadi kotak-kotak kecil. Panaskan 2 sendok makan minyak dan tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan bersama serai, lengkuas, daun salam dan daun jeruk. Tambahkan garam dan merica secukupnya.
Panaskan enam gelas air dalam sebuah panci masukkan bumbu yang telah ditumis, masukkan daging dan rebus hingga masak atau daging cukup empuk. Apabila air berkurang, tambahkan sesuai selera.
Hidangkan bersama nasi hangat dan taburi tauge. Jika anda penikmat sambal jangan sampai ketinggalan. Rasa pedas akan menambah selera makan anda. Selamat menikmati
Banyak versi atau cara memasak rawon semuanya menghasilkan sensasi yang berbeda. Kalau anda tertarik membuatnya silahkan lanjutkan membaca artikel ini.
- 300 gr daging pilih yang agak berlemak (nggajih kata orang jawa)
- tauge pendek warna putih yang masih muda
- 4 lembar daun jeruk
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 1 batang serai dimemarkan
- 2 cm lengkuas atau laos yang dimemarkan
- garam dan merica secukupnya
- 6 gelas air
- 4 butir bawang merah
- 2 siung bawang putih
- 4 butir kemiri
- 5 buah kluwek, diambil isinya
- 2 buah cabai merah
Potong daging sapi menjadi kotak-kotak kecil. Panaskan 2 sendok makan minyak dan tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan bersama serai, lengkuas, daun salam dan daun jeruk. Tambahkan garam dan merica secukupnya.
Panaskan enam gelas air dalam sebuah panci masukkan bumbu yang telah ditumis, masukkan daging dan rebus hingga masak atau daging cukup empuk. Apabila air berkurang, tambahkan sesuai selera.
Hidangkan bersama nasi hangat dan taburi tauge. Jika anda penikmat sambal jangan sampai ketinggalan. Rasa pedas akan menambah selera makan anda. Selamat menikmati
wisata jombang
Wisata Jombang- Kabupaten Jombang adalah kabupaten yang terletak di bagian tengah Provinsi Jawa Timur. Luas wilayahnya 1.159,50 km², dan jumlah penduduknya 1.201.557 jiwa (2010). Pusat kota Jombang terletak di tengah-tengah wilayah Kabupaten.
memiliki ketinggian 44 meter di atas permukaan laut, dan berjarak 79 km (1,5 jam perjalanan) dari barat daya Kota Surabaya, ibu kota Provinsi Jawa Timur. Jombang memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis, karena berada di persimpangan jalur lintas selatan Pulau Jawa (Surabaya-Madiun-Jogjakarta), jalur Surabaya-Tulungagung, serta jalur Malang-Tuban.
Batas Wilayah Jombang:Bagian Selatan Berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Kediri,Serta Kabupaten Malang. Sebelah Timur Berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Mojokerto. Sebelah Utara dengan Kabupaten Lamongan dan sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Nganjuk.
Jombang, Wisata Jombang, Wisata Kota Jombang, Wisata Kabupaten Jombang, Wisata Di Jombang, Wisata Di Kabupaten Jombang, Objek Wisata Jombang, Objek Wisata Di Jombang, Objek Wisata Kota Jombang, Objek Wisata Di Kabupaten Jombang, Pariwisata jombang, Pariwisata Kota Jombang, Pariwisata Di Kabupaten Jombang, Pariwisata Kabupaten Jombang.
Beberapa Tempat Objek Wisata Di Kabupaten Jombang:
Air Terjun Tretes--Menikmati keindahan alam wisata air terjun Tretes di Dusun Pengajaran, Desa Galengdowo,
Sumber Penganten--ini terletak sekitar 1 kilometer dari arah pusat Kecamatan Jogoroto.
Tirta Wisata, nama Tirta Wisata diambil dari bahasa Jawa yang berarti Wisata Air.
Candi Arimbi atau nama Candi Caungkup Pulo terletak di dusun Ngrimbi, desa Pulosari, kecamatan Bareng.
Goa Sigolo Golo--Bagi yang suka tantangan dan naik gunung, wisata ini cocok sekali dengan Anda.
memiliki ketinggian 44 meter di atas permukaan laut, dan berjarak 79 km (1,5 jam perjalanan) dari barat daya Kota Surabaya, ibu kota Provinsi Jawa Timur. Jombang memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis, karena berada di persimpangan jalur lintas selatan Pulau Jawa (Surabaya-Madiun-Jogjakarta), jalur Surabaya-Tulungagung, serta jalur Malang-Tuban.
Batas Wilayah Jombang:Bagian Selatan Berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Kediri,Serta Kabupaten Malang. Sebelah Timur Berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Mojokerto. Sebelah Utara dengan Kabupaten Lamongan dan sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Nganjuk.
Jombang, Wisata Jombang, Wisata Kota Jombang, Wisata Kabupaten Jombang, Wisata Di Jombang, Wisata Di Kabupaten Jombang, Objek Wisata Jombang, Objek Wisata Di Jombang, Objek Wisata Kota Jombang, Objek Wisata Di Kabupaten Jombang, Pariwisata jombang, Pariwisata Kota Jombang, Pariwisata Di Kabupaten Jombang, Pariwisata Kabupaten Jombang.
Beberapa Tempat Objek Wisata Di Kabupaten Jombang:
Air Terjun Tretes--Menikmati keindahan alam wisata air terjun Tretes di Dusun Pengajaran, Desa Galengdowo,
Sumber Penganten--ini terletak sekitar 1 kilometer dari arah pusat Kecamatan Jogoroto.
Tirta Wisata, nama Tirta Wisata diambil dari bahasa Jawa yang berarti Wisata Air.
Candi Arimbi atau nama Candi Caungkup Pulo terletak di dusun Ngrimbi, desa Pulosari, kecamatan Bareng.
Goa Sigolo Golo--Bagi yang suka tantangan dan naik gunung, wisata ini cocok sekali dengan Anda.
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
Facial Acupuncture
Looking beautiful both inside and out is something we all want to achieve. Since your face is ridden with emotion and hormonal issues, you have to take care of it. Fortunately, there is a technique that can do that using painless mini needles and this is better known as facial acupuncture.
Facial acupuncture is a painless procedure that renews not only the face but the body as well. This is because it can erase lines and eye bags making you look younger. At the same time, it can also help clear up pimples and acne.
For this to work, fine needles are placed in acupuncture points on the eyes, face and neck to stimulate the person’s natural energies. As a result, this also improves your facial color.
Anyone can try facial acupuncture because it is painless and it has proven to reverse the signs of aging. However, if you are pregnant, suffer from the colds or flu, have acute herpes or an allergic reaction, it is best to wait until this has passed.
But before anyone can try facial acupuncture, they first have to be evaluated by the acupuncturist. This person will evaluate your age, lifestyle and diet. If everything looks good, then you will probably do an average of about 12 to 15 treatments. More could be done if your skin tends to sag, manifest jowls or have droopy eyes.
Facial acupuncture treatment needs to be done twice a week for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. For those who can’t make two sessions in a week, they can opt for the 1 treatment that will last 90 minutes.
After the regular sessions, it is advisable to go back for follow up treatment. It should be every 2 weeks for the next 2 months and then once a month later on.
Aside from needles, most clinics use herbs in the form of masks, poultices and moisturizers. Before you use it, check with your doctor to make sure there is no allergic reaction to any forms of medication that you are taking.
After the first facial acupuncture treatment, you will usually seen an increased glow to one’s complexion which the Chinese say an increased Qi or blood flow to the face. It becomes more open, the wrinkles start to disappear and the skin appears more toned.
In the 5th or 7th treatment, this becomes more evident as your face looks more relaxed as though you just came from a vacation.
The end result is that you will look and feel 5 to 15 years younger but of course this depends on how well the patient has taken care of themselves outside the confines of the clinic.
To sum things up, facial acupuncture can do for you. It can eliminate fine lines and reduces wrinkles, improve your overall facial color and add luster to the skin, relaxes tension in the face and furrows in the brow, brightens the eyes and reduce dark circles and puffiness, improve muscle tone for sagging skin, enhance your natural radiance in the skin and eyes, slow the aging process within, promotes overall health and well being as well as relaxes and revitalizes the entire body.
All you have to now is find a clinic that offers this service to customers so you will soon look radiant to other people.
Facial acupuncture is a painless procedure that renews not only the face but the body as well. This is because it can erase lines and eye bags making you look younger. At the same time, it can also help clear up pimples and acne.
For this to work, fine needles are placed in acupuncture points on the eyes, face and neck to stimulate the person’s natural energies. As a result, this also improves your facial color.
Anyone can try facial acupuncture because it is painless and it has proven to reverse the signs of aging. However, if you are pregnant, suffer from the colds or flu, have acute herpes or an allergic reaction, it is best to wait until this has passed.
But before anyone can try facial acupuncture, they first have to be evaluated by the acupuncturist. This person will evaluate your age, lifestyle and diet. If everything looks good, then you will probably do an average of about 12 to 15 treatments. More could be done if your skin tends to sag, manifest jowls or have droopy eyes.
Facial acupuncture treatment needs to be done twice a week for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. For those who can’t make two sessions in a week, they can opt for the 1 treatment that will last 90 minutes.
After the regular sessions, it is advisable to go back for follow up treatment. It should be every 2 weeks for the next 2 months and then once a month later on.
Aside from needles, most clinics use herbs in the form of masks, poultices and moisturizers. Before you use it, check with your doctor to make sure there is no allergic reaction to any forms of medication that you are taking.
After the first facial acupuncture treatment, you will usually seen an increased glow to one’s complexion which the Chinese say an increased Qi or blood flow to the face. It becomes more open, the wrinkles start to disappear and the skin appears more toned.
In the 5th or 7th treatment, this becomes more evident as your face looks more relaxed as though you just came from a vacation.
The end result is that you will look and feel 5 to 15 years younger but of course this depends on how well the patient has taken care of themselves outside the confines of the clinic.
To sum things up, facial acupuncture can do for you. It can eliminate fine lines and reduces wrinkles, improve your overall facial color and add luster to the skin, relaxes tension in the face and furrows in the brow, brightens the eyes and reduce dark circles and puffiness, improve muscle tone for sagging skin, enhance your natural radiance in the skin and eyes, slow the aging process within, promotes overall health and well being as well as relaxes and revitalizes the entire body.
All you have to now is find a clinic that offers this service to customers so you will soon look radiant to other people.
Senin, 27 Februari 2012
Songwriters - Would Your Song Benefit From an Altered Song Structure?
A Word on Song Structures
One of the most common types of song structures in popular music is the ABABCB song structure. In this notation, 'A' denotes the verse, 'B' the chorus, and 'C' the bridge. There are a ton of songs that utilize use this structure, and as a result our ears have become very used to hearing it.
It's at the point where we're practically trained to expect a bridge right after the second chorus. Next time you hear a song for the first time, after the second chorus closes out, you'll probably catch yourself expecting to hear a bridge even though the song is brand new to you.
Another song structure that's much more rare than the one I just mentioned is the ABABAB structure. It's a simple repetition of the verse and chorus. It's just two sections repeated (the lyrics will change in the verses, but the melody and chord changes will be roughly the same). The reason this song structure isn't so common, is because the repetition of the verse and chorus over and over again tends to become monotonous.
"Rill Rill" by Sleigh Bells
With this in mind, I was listening to the song "Rill Rill" by Sleigh Bells the other day. Something interesting happens at the end of the second chorus. Check out the song, and see if you hear what I heard (consider the verses to be the sections starting on the line "Have a heart..." and the choruses to start on "So this is it, then..."). The section after the second chorus ends around 2:40 into the video, but I'd listen all the way through, to get the full feel for what's happening. Search for "Rill Rill Sleigh Bells" on YouTube and it'll come up.
Bridge or Third Verse?
What did you hear? For me, what happens after the second chorus is interesting. We essentially go back to the verse. The melody and lyrics are exactly the same as they were in the first verse... However, all the instrumentation has dropped out of the song. It's basically the first verse sung a cappella, with a slight drum beat going in the background, just to keep the timing moving forward. So while it's musically the same as the verses, it does sound different than the previous two.
Typically, the bridge, or section 'C,' of a song SOUNDS different from the rest of the song. It's usually the first time we've heard a part like this throughout the whole track. That's why what Sleigh Bells does here is interesting. They use the same melody and lyrics from the verse, but they change what's happening beneath it to keep the song from becoming monotonous.
It's almost as if they originally wrote the song determined it would be an ABABAB, verse and chorus only song. But after listening to it in its full form it sounded too repetitive, so they changed up the texture of the third verse (or is it the bridge?). I don't know if that's how the writing process happened, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.
Judge, Jury & Songwriter
As a songwriter, would you consider this song to be an ABABCB structure, or an ABABAB structure? Would you consider the section after the second chorus to be a third verse or a bridge? I guess those questions don't matter as much as this one: Does it work? You decide. If you have a song that's simply refusing to offer you a bridge, maybe you can attempt a third verse that's altered to keep your listeners from checking out. It may be worth messing with. Or maybe you're totally against that idea.
There are no rules in songwriting. However there are guidelines that most hit songs tend to follow. One of those guidelines is adhering to commonly used song structures (such as the ABABCB structure). "Rill rill" by Sleigh Bells certainly bends the guidelines in this case. You can do that do, if you feel it's right for your song. But I will always suggest you learn the guidelines before you bend (or break) them. Your songs can only benefit from knowledge of your craft. Have fun.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6904485
One of the most common types of song structures in popular music is the ABABCB song structure. In this notation, 'A' denotes the verse, 'B' the chorus, and 'C' the bridge. There are a ton of songs that utilize use this structure, and as a result our ears have become very used to hearing it.
It's at the point where we're practically trained to expect a bridge right after the second chorus. Next time you hear a song for the first time, after the second chorus closes out, you'll probably catch yourself expecting to hear a bridge even though the song is brand new to you.
Another song structure that's much more rare than the one I just mentioned is the ABABAB structure. It's a simple repetition of the verse and chorus. It's just two sections repeated (the lyrics will change in the verses, but the melody and chord changes will be roughly the same). The reason this song structure isn't so common, is because the repetition of the verse and chorus over and over again tends to become monotonous.
"Rill Rill" by Sleigh Bells
With this in mind, I was listening to the song "Rill Rill" by Sleigh Bells the other day. Something interesting happens at the end of the second chorus. Check out the song, and see if you hear what I heard (consider the verses to be the sections starting on the line "Have a heart..." and the choruses to start on "So this is it, then..."). The section after the second chorus ends around 2:40 into the video, but I'd listen all the way through, to get the full feel for what's happening. Search for "Rill Rill Sleigh Bells" on YouTube and it'll come up.
Bridge or Third Verse?
What did you hear? For me, what happens after the second chorus is interesting. We essentially go back to the verse. The melody and lyrics are exactly the same as they were in the first verse... However, all the instrumentation has dropped out of the song. It's basically the first verse sung a cappella, with a slight drum beat going in the background, just to keep the timing moving forward. So while it's musically the same as the verses, it does sound different than the previous two.
Typically, the bridge, or section 'C,' of a song SOUNDS different from the rest of the song. It's usually the first time we've heard a part like this throughout the whole track. That's why what Sleigh Bells does here is interesting. They use the same melody and lyrics from the verse, but they change what's happening beneath it to keep the song from becoming monotonous.
It's almost as if they originally wrote the song determined it would be an ABABAB, verse and chorus only song. But after listening to it in its full form it sounded too repetitive, so they changed up the texture of the third verse (or is it the bridge?). I don't know if that's how the writing process happened, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.
Judge, Jury & Songwriter
As a songwriter, would you consider this song to be an ABABCB structure, or an ABABAB structure? Would you consider the section after the second chorus to be a third verse or a bridge? I guess those questions don't matter as much as this one: Does it work? You decide. If you have a song that's simply refusing to offer you a bridge, maybe you can attempt a third verse that's altered to keep your listeners from checking out. It may be worth messing with. Or maybe you're totally against that idea.
There are no rules in songwriting. However there are guidelines that most hit songs tend to follow. One of those guidelines is adhering to commonly used song structures (such as the ABABCB structure). "Rill rill" by Sleigh Bells certainly bends the guidelines in this case. You can do that do, if you feel it's right for your song. But I will always suggest you learn the guidelines before you bend (or break) them. Your songs can only benefit from knowledge of your craft. Have fun.
For more songwriting advice, watch your free lesson, "Writing Lyrics to Music," here: http://www.successforyoursongs.com/freeoffer
Anthony Ceseri is the owner of http://www.SuccessForYourSongs.com, a website dedicated to the growth and development of songwriters of all skill levels. Anthony's writings appear as examples in the book "Songwriting Without Boundaries: Lyric Writing Exercises For Finding Your Voice" by Pat Pattison, an acclaimed lyric writing professor at Berklee College of Music.
Anthony Ceseri is the owner of http://www.SuccessForYourSongs.com, a website dedicated to the growth and development of songwriters of all skill levels. Anthony's writings appear as examples in the book "Songwriting Without Boundaries: Lyric Writing Exercises For Finding Your Voice" by Pat Pattison, an acclaimed lyric writing professor at Berklee College of Music.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6904485
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